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Category Archives: Maintenance

Repair or Replace ACSo you have an older air conditioner. You know eventually you’re going to have to replace it, but no one wants to think about that. The cost is not something any homeowner looks forward to paying. So you’ve been limping by, year after year, adding Freon every year, and paying the repair bills to keep it going. So where do you draw the line and say, “It’s finally time to replace it with a new one.”?  At Lancaster Brothers, our technicians get asked this question a lot. So how many AC repairs are too many? Luckily, there’s a simple formula you can use to help you decide. We call it the $5,000 rule.


Replacement Rule of Thumb

So what is the $5,000 rule?

Simply multiply the age of your AC unit by the repair cost, and if that exceeds $5,000, then replace the unit. If less, go ahead and repair it.

For example, if your unit is 10 years old and the repair will cost $350, multiply 10 x 350 to equal $3,500. It is less than $5,000, so it is okay to have it repaired. It’s a great guideline to help you decide.


Inefficiency Leads to Higher Energy Bills

AC Ineffciency leads to higher energy billsDo you ever wonder if your AC is just nickel and diming you to death? Here’s another rough rule to follow. Generally, if you have had your air conditioner repaired three or more times in the last three years, it’s time for a replacement. Parts are wearing, motors are losing their power, it’s losing efficiency every day and that is leading to higher energy bills. If your air conditioner is costing you in repair bills, chances are it’s also costing you in higher energy bills. It may make more sense to replace it with a newer, more energy-efficient model and start recouping your investment in energy savings.


Consider the Rising Cost of Freon

Most older systems use a refrigerant called Freon (R-22). If your repair involves adding Freon because of a refrigerant leak, you have something else to consider – rising Freon costs. If you have a Freon leak, you will have to add more every year. There’s just no getting around it. The price of Freon is rising each year. That’s because about 25 years ago, the EPA ordered the phasing out of Freon as part of an international treaty focused on protecting the ozone layer. Because production is limited, costs to charge existing units that are leaking R-22 refrigerant are rapidly increasing. By 2020, production of Freon will end, so the price will only continue to rise until then.

Production also ended in 2010 for new air conditioning units “charged” with R-22. Today’s air conditioners use a more environmentally friendly refrigerant (R-410A) instead of Freon, but it is not compatible with older models.


Let Lancaster Help with Repairs or Replacement

LennoxIf you experience problems with your older AC, we will be happy to take a look and either repair or replace the unit so you and your family stay cool and comfortable. Lancaster Brothers is proud to install Lennox air conditioners, so if your air conditioner is on its last leg, we will be happy to provide a free estimate. There are also rebates and financing available for qualifying systems, and our comfort specialist will let you know about available programs.

Our Customers Say It Best…

“Please pass along to Chris and Curt how much we appreciate them getting to us right away and for sending down two very professional men to do the job of replacing our AC/heater.  They were very conscientious about doing the job right.   It’s nice to have a hometown business we can count on. ”

– J & P, Louisburg, KS

Call us today at (913) 851-3399 with any questions, repair or replacement needs, or just to get a free quote on a new Lennox system!

August 24th, 2017

Posted In: Cooling, Maintenance


Air Conditioner Unit Needing a Tune-Up

So every day your air conditioner faithfully cranks out cold air keeping your home at a comfortable temperature day and night. How many years has it been cranking away? Every year, it gets older, dirtier, and parts get looser or belts get more worn. And just think about that outside unit. It sits out all year long getting dusty and dirty and clogged with pollen and leaves and sometimes even small animals! When’s the last time you did something nice for your air conditioner?

An AC Tune-Up Is Like a Massage Treatment for Your Air Conditioner

When people get run down, a massage or spa treatment usually does the trick to make them feel better. The same thing applies to your air conditioner. Instead of relaxing tight muscles, our technicians lubricate parts to make them move easier. They tighten loose parts so they move more smoothly. The team at Lancaster Brothers follows an extensive checklist to ensure everything is tightened, oiled, and working properly.

They check all electrical connections and motors and they clean any dirty parts so everything feels good again. Ahhh.

Your AC Will Pay You Back

Air Conditioner tune-ups are an absolute must before heading into full-time air conditioner season. They help your AC unit work more efficiently. When your unit is working at its peak efficiency, energy bills are lower. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that heating and cooling costs account for about 48% of the energy use in a typical U.S. home. This percentage makes it the largest energy expense for the average home.

But there are other ways getting a tune-up will pay you back as well.

Avoid Unwanted Breakdowns

Like a car, your air conditioner needs to be tuned up regularly to ensure it operates properly. Our technicians use tune-ups to help identify problem areas with your air conditioner as well. Finding these issues early on and taking care of them sooner rather than later will help you avoid a breakdown on the hottest day of the year.

Extend the Life of Your System

Air conditioners and furnaces are a significant investment for homeowners. Taking care of your equipment with an annual tune-up helps to keep your system in good condition, ensuring that you will get the most out of your investment.

Keep Small Problems from Becoming Costly Ones

Regular tune-ups will catch small problems before they cause larger, more expensive problems. Let’s say your fan blade is loose. Tightening the screws ensures it functions properly and in balance. But, if nothing is done, the constant vibration of a running system will loosen them even further and your fan could come off altogether and do damage to surrounding parts of your AC. Then you’re looking at an expensive repair bill. Ughh.

Schedule Your Air Conditioner Maintenance Today

Lennox Air Conditioner LogoDon’t wait for a problem. Let Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling give your AC a tune-up and make your air conditioner run and feel great. We are able to schedule appointments up to eight weeks out to ensure that you get the dates and timeframes that best fit your schedule.

If you’re looking to replace your system, we can help with that too. Lancaster Brothers proudly installs Lennox furnace and air conditioning systems. Contact us for current rebates and special financing for qualified homeowners.

Call us today so we can help you mark one more thing off your Spring to-do list! Just call (913) 648-9442 or send an email to to make an appointment.

May 30th, 2017

Posted In: Maintenance

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