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How to improve air quality in your Kansas City home

Posted on September 1, 2021 by admin

The levels of air pollution are rising day by day, and the increasing level of outdoor air pollution is mainly caused by factors such as industrial exhaust gases, fossil fuel burning, vehicle emissions, and many other effectors and this is the reason that we want to stay indoors as much as possible. But you need to know that the air inside our home is not as clean and healthy as we think. The United States environmental protection agency says that indoor a can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. We spend approximately 90% of Earth time indoors, so it is very important to keep the air in our home as clean as possible.

A Healthy Climate® whole-home humidifier adds moisture to your home’s air and works with your heating system to circulate it to every room. That means you can stay warm and cozy without the problems associated with dry air, such as skin irritations and sore throats.

 Indoor air pollution can be caused by different things such as asbestos, carbon monoxide emissions from gas stoves and Central heating systems, tobacco smoke, and it can also be caused by volatile organic compounds that are most commonly found in household items like air fresheners,  paints, adhesives,  pesticides, and disinfectants. Another important reason for indoor air pollution can be inadequate ventilation, and this causes the allergens and pollutants to get trapped. High temperature and humidity levels can also be the reason behind unclean air in our homes. If you are concerned about the air quality in your home and want to improve it, then this article contains a few guidelines for you

Keep your house clean

Cleaning your house is very important because good hygiene can reduce dust and animal dander also. The cleaning strategies you apply should mainly focus on reducing dust, mold, and animal dander.  Always remember to vacuum carpet and rugs once or twice a week by using a vacuum cleaner. Prefer hard surfacing floor instead of wall to wall carpeting; this may also reduce the risk of allergens. Don’t forget to clean your bedding and drapes, especially if you have pets in your house

Clean AC filter

The air conditioning systems are the best weight to give your home the perfect temperature around the year. In addition to this, the air conditioning systems are also so helpful in filtering out some common air pollutants. A time comes when the air filters fill up and stop doing their job efficiently. This thing causes a lot of trouble for the indoor air quality, and it can be harmful to your AC. Repairing AC systems can be very costly. So it is very important to change the AC filters regularly, especially if you are living in an area with high levels of pollution

Check out the air ducts

The function of the air duct is to distribute the hot and cold air in your home so that you can stay comfortable in any room. In case the air ducts are not properly installed or maintained, then they can lead to the distribution of different contaminants from one room to another. As a result of this, there can be an accumulation of dust and dander in your ducts, and as a result, the air quality can be compromised. So it is important to seek professional help to check out the air ducts

Get an air purifier

If you or your family members are allergic to indoor allergens and also cannot figure out the source of allergens, then using an air purifier can help you in this case.  An air purifier is a device placed in the most commonly used areas of the house, and it can help to capture some irritants that may aggravate your allergy symptoms. It is not impossible to remove the allergen completely, but they can be reduced, and it can be very helpful. If you are thinking about the basement of your home, then also considered a dehumidifier in damp areas.

Get some plants for your home

Plants are considered natural air filters or air purifiers. If you want to improve the quality of air in your home, then you should buy a few indoor plants, and they will play an important role in improving the air quality in your home. In addition to this, they will also enhance your home decor. If you are looking for and the best options to pull contaminants out of the air, then plants like ferns and lilies, and large palm trees can help you in this case

Don’t smoke in your home

And the most important cause of indoor air pollution is cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke has more than 4000 chemicals in it, which are known as carcinogens. So secondhand cigarette smoke exposes people, especially kids, to develop different kinds of respiratory infections such as asthma, cancer, breathing problems, and heart problems also. Making your home a smoke-free zone is very important, and it is good for you and your family also. This will help to reduce a major proportion of indoor air pollution in your home

Maintain a healthy level of humidity

It is very important to maintain a healthy level of humidity in your home.  A high level of humidity will invite the growth of mold.  Dust mites and molds need a humid environmental condition for their growth. So if you keep the humidity at your home around 30 or 40 percent, then it would help a lot in keeping away different kinds of allergens, and this will also help you to prevent the growth and accumulation of different organisms such as mold. In this case, a humidifier can help you to reduce the excess moisture in your home and can effectively control different kinds of allergens. It can also help you to reduce the indoor pollen account, which is a major cause of allergy in different regions. You can also maintain a normal humidity level by using an exhaust fan while cooking or running the dishwasher. Make sure to dry your clothes outdoors and fix the leaking areas in your home to prevent mold growth

Allow fresh air to enter your home

Fresh air is very important for good health and even in cold months don’t forget to open windows from time to time to allow fresh air to enter and move in your house. This helps a lot to remove the potential air contaminants from different areas of your house.

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