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Lancaster Brothers’ Spring Cleaning Checklist

Posted on March 27, 2015 by Chris Lancaster

lancaster-brothers-spring-hvac-checklistSpring has sprung in Kansas City! While the warm temperatures are wonderful, more than likely there are a few things that need to taken care of before you can really enjoy the weather. The Lancaster Brothers team of air conditioning professionals put together this helpful checklist to get your home on track for warmer weather.

Get An Air Conditioning Tune-Up 

Tune-ups are a must before heading into full-time air conditioner season. They help your AC unit work more efficiently. When your unit is working at its peak efficiency then energy bills are lower. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want lower energy bills? The U.S. Department of Energy reports that heating and cooling costs account for about 48% of the energy use in a typical U.S. home. This percentage makes it the largest energy expense for the average home.

Replace That Dirty Filter 

Your heating and cooling system’s filter should be changed every month. Why? Your filter is used to remove dust, dirt, pet hair, and other debris from the air that’s filtered through your home. These particles accumulate quickly, and when they do they dirty the filter. A dirty filter cannot collect as many particles, can cause your system to slow down, and even stop operating.

Related read: Air Filter Facts & Stats

Improve Indoor Air Quality

The beautiful weather comes hand in hand with pollen, mold, and other allergens. Do you have allergy sufferers living in your home? We recommend improving the indoor air quality sooner than later. How? By installing a PureAir Purification System. This system is the only single indoor air quality system that addresses all three classes of indoor air contaminants. These three classes include small, breathable particles such as pollen, dirt, and dust, airborne contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and mole spores, and vapor contaminants such as odors and chemicals.

Looking for help taking care of some of these spring-cleaning tips? Call the team at Lancaster Brothers at 913-851-3399. 

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