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3 Reasons to Perform Spring Maintenance on Your AC

Posted on March 18, 2018 by Chris Lancaster

Spring Maintenance on Your ACThe heat of the summer months might seem like only a speck on the distant horizon, but before you know it, it’ll be here. Beating the heat is easy with air conditioner. However, failing to inspect your AC prior to the first heat wave could leave you without the cooling relief you’re looking for. Any number of issues can affect how well your AC works. That’s why spring is the perfect time to perform maintenance on your AC.  

Lower the Cost of Your Energy Bills

How well your air conditioning works directly effects your wallet. Any number of issues, such as dirty condenser coils or loose electrical connections, can cause your AC to work harder than it should. Therefore, more energy is being used. The more energy being used means the higher the electric bill will be. Even more frustrating is knowing that you’re paying for something that isn’t even helping to keep you cool.

Increase Your AC’s Energy Efficiency and Lifespan

Performing spring maintenance on your air conditioning unit is the best time to find and resolve problems. Issues with the ductwork, electrical connections, and other parts directly impact the overall function of your AC. Even dust and debris that build over time up can disrupt how efficiently it works. Making sure that parts are cleaned, securely connected, lubricated, and replaced if needed not only improves the function of your AC but the lifespan as well. Units that receive regular maintenance also run more quietly.

Better the Air Quality in Your Home

Just like the furnace, your air conditioning unit needs its filter replaced regularly. If the filter is dirty, restricted air flow can cause your AC unit to use more energy. It’s also less effective at purifying the air. As part of your regular maintenance, you should change the filter before using the AC for the first time every summer. How often it should be changed after that depends on various factors, such as whether or not you have pets or occupants with allergies.

Limping Along with an Old AC?

Lennox LogoIf you think your current air conditioner is too old and you are worried about the coming summer, we can help. We recommend a Lennox Home Comfort System for its high quality and energy efficiency. If you are considering replacing your air conditioner, check out check out these great deals from Lennox that will save you some serious money.

If you need help performing maintenance on your AC or need to replace your old AC, just reach out to the professionals at Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling. Give us a call at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online.

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